Community Garden

The Mustard Patch – A Community Garden

Our Community Garden is managed by Karen Davis. Our goal is for all in the community to find a place where they can connect with God through gardening and sharing fresh produce for those in need

We believe this goal is accomplished through a practical vision of promoting community, connecting to the outdoor experiences, providing an inviting space to gather, worship and make Stanley a more sustainable community.

The garden houses 20 raised beds available for rental to garden members for an annual fee of $35.00.
Stop by the church office to sign-up . Office hours are 8am-4pm closed between 12-1pm Monday through Thursday, 8-noon on Friday.

10% of produce harvested from the garden will be donated to the Common Ground Food Pantry to support those in needs.

  • If you would like to donate to the ministry of the Garden click the QR code below.